Our first journey…


Brian and Melanie have been a dynamic art duo since they were married (10 years and counting!).  We started our first creative business together called Johnson Wood Craft.  Brian is a passionate wood turner, and we started selling our work at local art shows.  We crafted paintings, vases, bowls, rolling pins, wine stoppers and anything else we thought would be handy.   Our process comes from a couple places – but predominately we are a minimalist family that feels that home items can both be beautiful and functional. 

We were blessed with two children 15 months apart and our focus shifted from our art to caring for the kids plus keeping up with our full time jobs.  We took a break from Johnson Wood Craft and let it sort of drift away from us.  5 years later we have come back to our senses!  Art is a HUGE part of our soul and we need to start creating again. 

Our kids gave us a new perspective and helped us look at the long term.  What do we love?  What can we see ourselves doing in 5-10-15-20 years from now?  How can we keep ourselves mindful of our physical and emotional health along with our children? 

The answer is evolving – but we realized that we need art.  We need it badly.  We are not the same people when we ignore that facet of life.  Dipping a toe in the pool once in a while is not even close to taking a good deep soak.  So.  Website.  Business.  Art.  Magic.  Passion.  We want it all, and we want to share it with others.  Will you join us? 
